Protecting the public sector during flu season
Posted by Joshua Archibald on Mar 26, 2024
Flu outbreaks have been reported to start as early as October in the UK[1]. So why should this be a concern now?
When flu outbreaks occur within an organisation, the spread can be rapid and highly damaging. With the potential for sick days to become more regular and productivity to drop, work output can reach organisational lows.
GOV UK states that flu vaccinations are the most effective ways of dealing with the illness[2], claiming that “Having a flu jab can help stop you catching flu and passing it on to other people.” as well as “You need a jab every year as flu can change each year.”, proving the importance of annual flu vaccinations, especially those with aging workforces that can be more vulnerable to getting very sick.
Here are a list of reasons why preventing flu is essential for all organisations:
- Vaccinations can save the economy up to £28.9m in averted sick days costs alone[3].
- Sickness days due to the flu can reduce the productivity and profitability of organisations.
- Employees feel valued and protected by their organisation.
- Promotes healthy and positive brand values.
- Can support in reducing stress on emergency services and the NHS.
- Influenza or flu can make employees bed-bound for up to 2 weeks – a vaccine can help to reduce or avoid this absence altogether.
Do you want to protect your employees during flu season?
Check out our Employee Support Services & Benefits framework, our range of awarded suppliers can compliantly provide occupational health services such as flu jabs and other vaccinations.
[1] https://metro.co.uk/2020/09/22/when-is-flu-season-in-the-uk-symptoms-vaccine-13306929/#:~:text=When%20is%20flu%20season%3F%20Bupa%20UK%20explain%20that,early%20as%20October%20and%20as%20late%20as%20May.
[2] https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/easy-read-childhood-nasal-flu-leaflet/all-about-flu-and-how-to-stop-getting-it-adult-version
[3] https://www.kaysmedical.com/flu/#1537363180869-cb5d0cb1-8c17

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Sobia Asad
Framework Manager