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Frameworks for the public sector

What is a framework?

A framework often referred to as a framework agreement is a selection of pre-qualified suppliers where the buyer selects suppliers and compliantly sets out terms and prices for a period in advance, in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. In other words, it is a general term for agreements that set out terms and conditions for making specific purchases (call-offs). KCS Procurement Services has already vetted the chosen suppliers through the tender evaluation process. Click to find out more about our range of framework benefits 

Framework Y20003 - Active

Framework Y23030 - Active

Framework Y21011 - Active

Framework Y20018 - Active

Framework Y21004 - Active

Framework Y23005 - Active

Framework Y21027 - Active

Framework Y23025 - Active

Framework Y22022 - Active

Framework Y23022 - Active

Framework Y23038 - Active

Framework Y21006 - Active

Framework Y21028 - Active

Framework Y23031 - Active

Framework Y21012 - Active

Framework Y22027 - Active

Framework Y23034 - Active

Framework Y23002 - Active

Framework Y23026 - Active

Framework Y23065 - Active

Framework Y21018 - Active

Framework Y22028 - Active

Framework Y21005 - Active

Framework Y23024 - Active

Framework TPPLCSKL02 - Active

Framework Y22024 - Active

Framework Y23051 - Active

Framework Y21003 - Active