Electric vehicle charging at a charging point on the street

Electric Vehicle Charging Points & Associated Services

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Key facts

Framework Number: Y21002

Framework Period: 01 November 2020 - 31 October 2024

OJEU Contract Arranged by: Procurement Services

Last Updated: 06 June 2024

Framework scope

The Electric Vehicle Charging Points and Associated Services framework, divided into two LOTs, covers the provision of electric vehicle charging points and associated services. Our suppliers provide turnkey services covering the following areas:

Feasibility Study – includes assessing the viability of locations, obtaining any required
permissions, licences or planning consent, product selection, liaising with all relevant
operators and authorities, providing a full report of financial options and costs to the

Associated Services include solar equipment, panels and services, battery
storage and car park canopies though this is not an all-inclusive list and depends on
individual customer requirements.

Installation & Deployment – to provide and install the correct equipment to the requested location as per the Purchase Order, including electrical vehicle (EV) chargers, pantograph charging, signage, parking bay markings,
cabling and back-office connections.

Service & Management – includes service, maintenance, monitoring as well as
management of charging points and pantograph charging solutions (this will include
any existing charge points that have been adopted - LOT 1) provision of management
information, ensuring public awareness and collaboration with suitable media such as
Zap Map and the National Chargepoint Registry (NCR) LOT 1 only.

What are the benefits of using this framework?

  • All our frameworks are free to access
  • This framework is fully compliant with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015
  • Authorised Participants can re-open competition within the framework, removing the need for a full tender exercise or lengthy supplier evaluation each time they have an electrical vehicle or associated service requirement, saving time and costs associated with procurement exercises.
  • Direct award capability giving you a quick, easy and PCR-15 compliant route to procurement.
  • The terms and conditions are safe and designed to protect you
  • Free and full support on using the framework through the Procurement Services team.
  • You are able to benefit from aggregated spend and lower pricing based on the value of the overall contract, even on low spend orders.
  • The framework will be managed and monitored by Procurement Services (acting for Kent County Council) on behalf of our customers and your views and requirements will be taken into account when reviewing and developing the contract.

Who can use this framework?

This is a regional framework in conjunction with KCC and will allow access to all public sector bodies, located within the SE7 (South East Seven) locations, which are: Brighton & Hove, East Sussex, Hampshire, Kent, Medway, Surrey, and West Sussex. The framework is also open for use by all other local authorities and public sector bodies. Full details of the classification of potential Contracting Bodies and end user’s geographical areas and organisation classifications can be found in the PCR15 notice.





Electrical Vehicle Charging Points & Associated Services


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General enquiries

Richard Sowten

Direct Channel Executive


Electric Vehicle Charging Points and Associated Services User Guide

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